Christmas at the Folly by myrabeth


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An anthology of Echoesverse one shots set in the Decembers of 2040, 2033, 2030, 2024, 2017, and 2015.

Rating: 13+ [Reviews - 6] Liked
Category: Claim, Drama, Post-Series
Characters: Buffy, Ensemble, Spike
Spuffy Levels: Spuffy-centric
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: Echoesverse
Chapters: 6 Completed: Yes
Words: 32209 Hits: 2614
Published: 11/15/2024 | Updated: 12/24/2024

1.Story 1: Room 3 by myrabeth [Reviews - 2] Liked (3687 words)

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We're in the middle of a bloody war out here, Dad. This is no time for me to be taking furlough, even for Christmas!” -Anne, 2040

2.Story 2: Sunny Sides by myrabeth [Reviews - 1] (4648 words)

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Maybe she's trying to make you realize you can't get close to someone until they know who you are.” -Spike, 2033

3.Story 3: Third Generation by myrabeth [Reviews - 1] (5454 words)

“I'm really not sure which of us is the bigger glutton for punishment.” -Buffy, 2030
Try Plan B, Spike. Go for broke. This could be the year it stops being so serious, the last bad year.” -Tara, 2030

4.Story 4: Paired Medallions by myrabeth [Reviews - 1] (6941 words)

Good old Revello Drive Hospital. I'm already having flashbacks.” -Buffy, 2024

5.Story 5: Dead Slayers by myrabeth [Reviews - 1] (6491 words)

If there's one thing I've learned from dealing with the Powers, Tara, it's how to play the odds.” -Buffy, 2010
“What would have happened if you'd been straight with Dad in 2011?” -Henry, 2017

6.Story 6: First Turn by myrabeth [Reviews - 0] (4988 words)

Maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel, now. Maybe more good Christmases are coming.” -Spike, 2015