A Man in Shadow by Zab Jade



While in the seaside English city of Brighton, Spike chooses the wrong prey. That one bad choice leads to a vasty different season two, with Spike in Sunnydale, willing to team up with Buffy on a quest for revenge. 

Rating: 13+ [Reviews - 15] Liked
Category: Divergence, Season 2
Characters: None
Spuffy Levels: Spuffy Friendship
Warnings: Rape (non-explicit), Torture
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 Completed: No
Words: 17328 Hits: 1153
Published: 10/21/2024 | Updated: 12/02/2024

1.Prologue by Zab Jade [Reviews - 2] Liked (828 words)

2.Chapter One by Zab Jade [Reviews - 3] Liked (2652 words)

3.Chapter Two by Zab Jade [Reviews - 2] Liked (2786 words)

4.Chapter Three by Zab Jade [Reviews - 2] Liked (2799 words)

5.Chapter Four by Zab Jade [Reviews - 2] Liked (2859 words)

Please keep in mind that this is set during season two, before the addition of Dawn memories made Joyce a better mother. In season one she was actively reading parenting books like she'd never actually done it before, and it was stated that her characterization from the movie was canon. 

6.Chapter Five by Zab Jade [Reviews - 2] Liked (2737 words)

7.Chapter Six by Zab Jade [Reviews - 2] Liked (2667 words)