Seasons [128]
Claim [4]

Stories involving some sort of claiming.

Musical March [4]

Stories written for our Musical March challenge.

Genres [129]
Divergence [44]

A change in canon caused by someone making a different choice. This can be a main character, or even an OC who is barely even in the story.

Seasonal Spuffy [17]

Stories written for Seasonal Spuffy.

Site Events [1]
Drabble [1]

Exactly 100 words

Summer of Dead Buffy [3]

Stories taking place entirely or in part during the summer between seasons 5 and 6.

Art [2]
Fix-It [20]

Stories that make a change (or changes) to fix something in canon.

Time Travel [9]

Stories that involve elements of time travel.

AU [10]

Stories with a fundamental difference from canon, such as Willow being the slayer while Buffy is a witch. Or Spike is a modern day human.

Human Spike [0]
Vampire Buffy [1]
Baby Fic [2]

Stories with a Spuffy baby.