Something True by Fancyflautist


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What if, at the end of Something Blue, Buffy and Spike decided to pretend the spell wasn't broken?

Rating: 13+ [Reviews - 4] Liked
Category: Fluff, Fix-It, Season 4, Divergence
Characters: Ensemble
Spuffy Levels: Spuffy-centric
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Words: 5066 Hits: 480
Published: 06/10/2022 | Updated: 06/10/2022

Story Notes:

This was my first Spuffy fic and first time writing after YEARS out of practice. It feels nice to have it back up, but I will say that I haven't gone back and edited it at all so it might be pretty rough.

1.Something True by Fancyflautist [Reviews - 4] Liked (5066 words)