Tales of a Feral Vampire by Fancyflautist


Spike wakes up feral and Buffy has to take care of him.

Written for the prompt "mystery" for Buffyverse bingo and at least partially inspired by Off the Leash by Soulburnt.

Rating: 13+ [Reviews - 0]
Category: Divergence, Claim
Characters: None
Spuffy Levels: None
Warnings: None
Challenge: None
Series: Buffyverse Bingo 2019
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes
Words: 2105 Hits: 428
Published: 06/10/2022 | Updated: 06/10/2022

Story Notes:

This is sort of a conceptual piece, by which I mean the mystery ain't gettin' solved. You can come up with your own idea of who the villain was and what happened. The time period is also nebulous, so place it wherever you'd like in the timeline.

1.Tales of a Feral Vampire by Fancyflautist [Reviews - 0] (2105 words)