Damn. You're very good at painting the heart wrenching picture of a Spike that lost Buffy without ever really having had her. Brilliant work.
Author's Response:Aw, thanks!
Oh, wow. I see how this could be the ending, but I hope not!
Author's Response:This is part one of a three-story arc. I have a demanding job and long covid, so it's slow going. But I shall get there eventually.
“How do you do it?” she asked softly, still avoiding eye contact. Then she turned her piercing, ancient gaze on him. “You play human so well, even I believe it.”
Any other day, Spike would have argued. Vociferously. Instead, he gave the best answer he had: “Love.”
Anyanka flinched. “And when love isn’t enough?”
Spike made a face at her, all sneering disbelief and bravado. “Never happen.”
This killed me dead.
Author's Response:Thank you so much!
I'm *screeching*.
So, I'd read the previous one in this series and didn't know there was another.
But your WRITING... you've got us fully embroiled in Spike's grief and love and despair, I feel like I can taste it. First chapter and we're already en media ress'd 100%.
Author's Response:This one was originally posted in full for seasonal spuffy, so I suspect got significantly less attention elsewhere as a result. I'm so glad you found it, and even gladder you've taken the time to tell me you enjoyed it. Thank you so much!