Reviews For Ripples on a Hellmouth

Name: Fancyflautist (Signed) · Date: 07/14/2022 08:58 · For: Now

Ope apparently the tears come back in the last chapter, dang. Its such an incredibly sweet ending, and not gonna lie I would pay good money for another oneshot in this verse 😂 I'm glad I got to read it again 

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for all the lovely comments. I do have future stories planned in this 'verse. Nothing Is Finished is the first part of small series, which will have a lot more of Buffy-and-Spike-together, rather than just grumpy-out-of-time Spike.

Name: Fancyflautist (Signed) · Date: 07/14/2022 08:25 · For: Six

Ope here be the tears againnn 😅 Sorry for the crazy short reviews btw, I'm just kinda devouring this reread lol

Author's Response:

Goodness! I was impressed already by your comments! This is loads for a re-read and all in one day! Keep devouring!

Name: Fancyflautist (Signed) · Date: 07/14/2022 08:18 · For: 2001

Banana in his pocket 😂😂 God, you really have a knack for those closing lines. 

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!a86;a039;

Name: Fancyflautist (Signed) · Date: 07/14/2022 07:42 · For: Four

Can I be past the part where I cry in these little interludes yet? 😂 It's been too long since I've read this all the way through, I can't remember when it gets better lmao

Author's Response:

I mean, *technically* it's getting better all the time. Even if most of the improvements aren't very personal until the later chapters....

Thank you for being invested. And thank you even more for taking the time to tell me so.

Author's Response:

I mean, *technically* it's getting better all the time. Even if most of the improvements aren't very personal until the later chapters....

Thank you for being invested. And thank you even more for taking the time to tell me so.

Name: Fancyflautist (Signed) · Date: 07/14/2022 07:37 · For: 1999

God they're just so damn CUTE ugh 🥰🥰🥰

Author's Response:

Aw, thank you! 😘

Name: Fancyflautist (Signed) · Date: 07/14/2022 05:44 · For: 1998

God i can never get over that last line 😍😍😍 Also the "uh who tf are you actually" is a favorite time travel trope 

Author's Response:

Thanks so much! Lovely to find people's favourite moments lurking in the early chapters.

Name: Honest Lee (Anonymous) · Date: 06/26/2022 22:46 · For: Now

I just devoured this series over this weekend. What a masterpiece!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much!

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 06/21/2022 14:01 · For: Zero

This is one of my all time Spuffy fanfics ever and probably the best time-travel fic I've  read so far. It's unvelievably well plotted and written. I'm happy it's now available here and I hope it will get all the love it deserves. It's bloody brilliant!

Author's Response:

Oh, wow! Thanks so much. What a lovely thing to say.

Name: Blackoberst (Signed) · Date: 06/20/2022 14:43 · For: Two

Wesley is one of my favorites, so this is a very nice chapter for me to read. 

Author's Response:

I loved writing Wesley in this. Although this isn't one of the side-timelines where I have outline notes for distinct stories, I definitely have a head-canon for this timeline. Lovely to hear it was appreciated!

Name: Blackoberst (Signed) · Date: 06/20/2022 14:32 · For: 1998

I'd really think that Buffy would realize that she can't really either stop Willow from being a witch, or Angel from doing the souled/unsolved peek-a-boo bit. Like Dawn getting cut, that's one of the recurring motifs of the Buffy-verse.

Trial and error, I guess. 

The bit with Spike was bittersweet. 

Author's Response:

Well, she did sort of stop Willow from being a witch. Indifferent Willow had power, but she wasn't invested in using it for any great purpose (good or evil). But stopping Willow from being a witch was never the point: stopping her from taking on huge magical feats she was too young and too untrained to deal with was the point. Nor did Buffy intend to make any changes to Angel's life/souledness. She just wanted to take Giles' advice that Willow doing the ensouling spell at 16 was a step towards her eventual path to evil. Original Willow is not a very good person, either, remember.

Re: Spike. It's one of my favourite things about spuffy that they weren't love at first sight. There had to be some shared past where he didn't love her yet.

Name: Blackoberst (Signed) · Date: 06/20/2022 08:25 · For: One

Your evil Willow is very well written. 

Author's Response:

Yay! I loved writing all of the different Willows.

Name: Blackoberst (Signed) · Date: 06/20/2022 08:19 · For: 1997

She's very cocky, and that cost her. On the other hand, her inner comments regarding Angel are exactly what I thought watching their first 'star struck' meeting. 

Author's Response:

I was re-watching early episodes, and was shocked by how differently I felt about them compared to my first time watching, and figured it would be even more extreme if I'd been 16 at the time. I shudder to think about how I'd feel now re-experiencing most things from when I was 16!

Name: Blackoberst (Signed) · Date: 06/20/2022 08:17 · For: Zero

This is both dystopian enough, and plusible enough to make it uncomfortable to read, which is why it's pretty much the perfect start. 

Author's Response:

Thanks so much! I've read and re-read this story so many times to check consistency and timelines, I almost ignore the set-up at the beginning. It's so lovely to hear it works.

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