Reviews For Spike's Worst Summer Ever

Name: Fancyflautist (Signed) · Date: 07/12/2022 03:41 · For: One Shot

God this is beautiful and so so sad. Which isn't usually my vibe, but this is just done so well. Thank you for sharing!

Name: Passthedynamite (Anonymous) · Date: 03/30/2022 17:58 · For: One Shot

Bittersweet end! Painfully beautiful. I love that they got that much time together and the idea of their intermingled ash.

Name: Saranac (Anonymous) · Date: 03/30/2022 17:57 · For: One Shot

The guy is a survivor. I felt very much in step with what he was feeling in these bittersweet moments of clarity. This was a great read, thank you. I would be interested in reading a one-shot that showed snippets of his life during the winter month.

Name: Zab Jade (Signed) · Date: 03/30/2022 17:55 · For: One Shot

Wonderful story. I love all of it. Poor Spike didn't have a good time of it, especially during the summer, did he? But it looks like things got better. It eventually had to end, but he got plenty of summers spent with his golden girl. The end made me tear up, but it was beautiful.

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