House or crypt, of course Buffy storms right in.
Um okay Dalton, I totally get Buffy being worried about the tea after rSpike is drugged. She's really trusting these two and I get why she is so worried about trusting them.
Heavy chapter, but good
I find it really endearing that Willow has essentially 'Buffy should be a Slayer- here's why' presentation. It reminds me of 'gingerbread' the question of does all this slaying make a difference.
"Doing that would require him to show up reliably" this makes me sad because if you're committed to fighting together, reliability is important.
I'm kinda liking Spike's self awareness, though I find it heartbreaking to because Spikes emotions are soooooo a part of him.
Oh much of that flask at Joyce imbibed in? I get it, and it reminds of that like in becoming "Just have another drink." That was so telling that's what Buffy says to Joyce.
I so enjoy Joyce insisting that Buffy trains with Spike, because he is really a vampire. It's good logic, though maybe she'd rethink that if she meets Dalton.
Cute touch that Spike steals the Oreos.
"weremoose. You know, big antlers. A craving for grass. " That was adorable and hilarious
Sheila! Pulling through with some light juice theft.
I'm giggling at Spike being the pretend tutor. But really someone needed to explain to Joyce that Snyder volun-tells and targets Buffy. like this.
"It came to her in small flashes. "This is a really nice setup to such a shocking scene. Poor Joyce these are some alarming series of events for her! And boy does she process and puts Snyder in his place!
A cozy a little bungalow! Dalton! Hi my favorite little guy who loved books so someone killed him over it.
I really enjoyed how you so clearly made it Dalton, but didn't introduce him until a few paragraphs later.
I also like buffy continues to remind us (herself?) that Spike killed Slayers. We need that reminder because he's acting so domesticated.
EaTs emotions!!!! Spike must have been a feast. This is really upsetting. The history of being with Dru? Just gone!
I do think it's very cute that Buffy is trying flirt with Angel by getting him to help with her school work.
I really like the image of Spike on a slide. I do wonder what happened to him in that alley with that guy that made a meal of him. He seems so subdued.
I've never heard of West of the Storm I'll have to check it out (PS I have)
I hope you don't mind me copying over my comments from AO3:
Oh man in a few paragraphs you capture the concept that Spike is sexual, evil, and judgemental.
And the odds turn on him! So good!
I mean, it's good to make sure the person dating the monster at least knows what dangers they're courting.
I still think Spike let him off easy, "gone" or not.
How many people in Buffy's life are actually listening to her, at this stage?
Joyce, you have never come across as a trustworthy person. Why would anyone tell you anything?
I mean, it's still "I care about you" tea, microwaved or not...
Angel's just jealous because Spike's the bigger man. Well...where it counts.
I saw you post on AO3 and immediately had to come here to read the next chapter!
So excited to see you posting another work and am eager to drive into this verse. What happened to poor Spike? How long will it take for Buffy to listen to her instinct and still her infatuation with an Angel who doesn't respect her?
I'm so sorry you are dealing with cancer now, that is so rough and I don't have words. Thank you for sharing.
Author's Response:Thank you for reading and reviewing. <3 I appreciate it. The next chapter will give more information on what happened to Spike, though he does keep some of it to himself. For now.
The cancer is rough, but I'm holding on. Being able to write and share it with others is helping to keep my thoughts focused on good things. So just by reading, you're helping. <3
Creepy start.