A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other


A collection of disconnected one-shots written to blackout my Buffyverse bingo card in 2019. Categories and warnings tagged on a per-story basis.



Parent Series: None
Categories: None
Characters: None
Spuffy Levels: Spuffy-centric
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 25
Open: Closed [Report This]

A one way time travel expedition takes Buffy and Spike from Chosen to the dawn of season 5, where 'only change what you must' quickly shifts into leading entirely different lives from those they'd previously known.

Parent Series: None
Categories: Claim, Time Travel, Drama, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7, Post-Series
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Ensemble, Spike, Tara
Spuffy Levels: Spuffy-centric
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 2
Open: Closed [Report This]

True beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and always more than skin deep.

Parent Series: None
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Spuffy Levels: Spuffy-centric
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 2
Open: Closed [Report This]

Things that could have been canon, but weren't.

Parent Series: None
Categories: Introspective, Season 3, Season 6
Characters: Angel, Buffy, Dawn, Spike
Spuffy Levels: Spuffy-centric
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Open: Closed [Report This]

Ripples on a Hellmouth made many references to an entire alternate cannon. This series explores all of the background tapestry of events I created to propel the plot in Ripples, but wasn't able to do any more than drop hints about. Each story and short series can be read as a stand-alone in an alternative Buffyverse, or in the context of stories that form part of the background in the Ripplesverse.

Parent Series: None
Categories: Divergence
Characters: Ensemble
Spuffy Levels: Background Spuffy
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 5
Open: Closed [Report This]

The events of the Resident Evil Games (very different from the movies) have occured in somewhat different ways in the Buffy universe, drawing Spike and Buffy closely together.

Parent Series: None
Categories: Divergence
Characters: None
Spuffy Levels: Spuffy Friendship, Spuffy-centric
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 2
Open: Closed [Report This]

Hey look, it's all the random song oneshots in one list. And a youtube playlist link for it!

Parent Series: None
Categories: Romance
Characters: None
Spuffy Levels: Spuffy-centric
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 8
Open: Closed [Report This]

This is the backstory from Ripples on a Hellmouth of how Giles and Anyanka got together.

Parent Series: Ripples on a Hellmouth: Further Tales
Categories: Divergence, Season 3, Romance
Characters: Anya, Giles
Spuffy Levels: Background Spuffy
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 3
Open: Closed [Report This]

Many years after the events of the series, Buffy and Spike have established a hard-won friendship. With the help of a questionnaire, they finally decide they want to be more than friends. There's still work to do, but they're pretty committed.


Primary works in this series are The Sharing Game and its sequel, kNickers Off Ready When I Come Home. Around the edges are some Spike/Buffy shorts, and several stories exploring Angel, who has remained friends with both of them.

Parent Series: None
Categories: Divergence, Post-Series, Introspective, Romance
Characters: Angel, Buffy, Spike
Spuffy Levels: Spuffy-centric
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Stories: 6
Open: Closed [Report This]